View RXProCon Prescription #2

RXProCon - Launch with Prescription #1

RXProCon Launch Introduction

View RXProCon Prescription #2

This domain and site is inspired by a horrible event and near-death experience due to colonoscopy preparation that featured the prescription medication Prepopik®.

Most people can understand that an almost two-week hospital stay, (more than half of which was in ICU), is an adverse event. Such a hospital stay can result in lots of bills, trauma, and recovery that is very challenging and stressful physically, mentally, neurologically, and psychologically.

Challenged and inspired by tragedy, RXProCon was created so that it might help others from going through the same or similar horrible experiences.

The RxProCon concept is evolving. It may involve information promoting and/or pushing for changes to existing and/or new legislation, laws, and policy addressing prescriptions, medical care, and related matters. Because RXProCon may push on political matters beyond the limits of what a non-profit should, it may not be a non-profit. RXProCon may be an advocacy group. Thoughts on improvements in this area are going to start to being posted, even if on a simple site.

The current mission of RXProCon is to improve patient interaction about procedures and medicines -- helping start conversations, increasing patient awareness and safety.


RXProCon Prescription 1

Outline of information that should be included for Colonoscopy (and Colonography*) preparation.
RXProCon believes the phrase, "seek medical assistance" in relation to signs or 'side-effects' actually translates to mean:
- Call 911
- Get to urgent care or Emergency Room (ER) ASAP

To avoid any confusion, misunderstanding, or delay - of even one (1) minute - of receiving emergency medical assistance for life-threatening situations, current language ought to be translated to non-jargon English, be blunt, and clear. (Considering that ballots are provided in multiple languages the same policy should apply to prescription information.)

It should be clear that, "Seek medical assistance" does not mean call your regular doctor during normal business hours Monday - Friday.

Suggestion: Patients need someone with them during test preparation whether on prescription or over the counter medication, or natural concoction.

The word 'laxative' is a bit uncomfortable to acknowledge for some, however, RXProCon believes patients should be counseled so they fully understand colonoscopy and colonography 'preparation' is evacuation of their colon fully.

1st Prescription (aka Post)

Colonoscopy (and Colonography*) Prep

RXProCon strongly suggests patients prepare with family members, friends, helpers, etc. For example, if during preparation a patient is adversely affected (such as slipping and hitting their head on return trip to the bathroom) they need assistance and may not be aware of needing or capable of acquiring assistance.

♥ As the colonoscopy test involves anesthesia, patients are required to have a ride after the procedure. To most, this is also includes a ride to the procedure as well. Cabs and other ride services are insufficient. Assisted preparation requirement could be policy improvement.

♥ An informal limited survey of doctors shows the majority are readily aware of extreme dehydration and lowering sodium effect of Prepopik®; therefore, they do not use it. A patient needs emergency medical services if dehydrated.

♥ "Dehydration" as potential side effect could mean dehydration severe enough to threaten organs and life, not just minor dehydration a sports drink or water consumption can solve.

♥ "Medical assistance" reference on prescription or instruction documents ought to include, "Call 911 for emergency services." A clearer version phrased, "Call 911 before you die."

RXProCon believes improved clarity of such document wording is a must. Time permitted, and once caught up with other obligations, RXProCon will release recommended improvements and rewording, but not today.

Summary: Don't prep for a Colonoscopy or Colonography alone.
Pets do not qualify as prep assistance providers.

If you are interested in RXProCon, want to back it, want to stay informed by it, please contact via email at INTERESTin @ RXProCon. com (This is not an email link, you need to type it in yourself, no spaces. Not fancy, but simple way to limit bots and spam.)

* Colonography is an imaging version of a colonoscopy. As it does not involve use of a deep probe, some view colonography as less risky than a colonoscopy. No medical procedure is ever 100% "risk-free." If a colonography detected a growth such as a polyp, it is very likely that the doctor would urge the patient to undergo a colonoscopy. Both tests currently require effectively the same preparation of clearing out ones colon / digestive track, so preparation risks exist for both procedures.

There are cases where colonoscopy probes perforated the colon, which can lead to serious injury or death. There are views that there is vast underreporting of contaminated colonoscopy probes.

Articles on Colonoscopy Contamination - Medical Scope Infections
Los Angeles Times Hospitals and device makers still struggle to rid medical scopes of infectious bacteria

Los Angeles Times Number of deadly infections from dirty scopes is far higher than previously estimated
View RXProCon Ongoing | View RXProCon Prescription #2

This is evolving and work in progress. Maybe that makes it not a BETA version, but a DELTA version.

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